What is SINRA?

Once you get SINRA NFT, that means you start your journey. The funds from NFT will be used for appropriate maintenance of devastated forests and oceans, and you will be a part of this important mission. It will restore nature's inherent power, create an environment more resistant to disasters, and increase the Earth's overall CO2 absorption. During this spectacular journey, there is also an opportunity to create new connections by holding ”environmental values” such as carbon credits and biodiversity as NFTs and exchanging them in the marketplace. Through SINRA, you can connect with forests, oceans, and the locals around the world and step into unknown possibilities. Join us and open the door to a world you have not yet seen!

CO2 absorptioncontributed


t (co2)


Owase City in Mie Prefecture, where 92% of the city is surrounded by forest.
Catch the beautiful butterflies in this area famous for the Owase cypress.

In Owase City, you could see so many scenes of man-made forests that had not been properly managed and were abandoned, leaving the forest dense and dark, and the flow of air and water stopped. By working on these forests, restoring the water veins and regenerating the soil, the flow of air has been created, and living creatures are about to return to the land. We hope you will try to catch the butterflies that have appeared through these activities to restore the ancient Japanese symbiosis between people and nature. Properly managed forests contribute to the absorption of greenhouse gasses from the air, creating environmental value in the form of J-credits, which are linked to the NFT. You can mint NFT in terms of greenhouse gas absorption (tCO2).

Features of SINRA



Use NFT purchase funds to maintain and regenerate environment


Natural Resource Regenerator

(such as Local Government)



Ethereum etc.




The right to request the transfer of carbon credit will be given to “Regenerative NFT” created from natural resources



Use NFT purchase funds to

and maintain and regenerate environment


Natural Resource Regenerator

(such as Local Government)







The right to request the transfer of carbon credit will be given to “Regenerative NFT”

created from natural resources

Carbon credits are created as proof of increased CO2 absorption through the regeneration of natural resources. SINRA NFT purchasers will also be able to own environmental values such as carbon credits and biodiversity through the NFT.


The profits from NFT

sales are used to regenerate natural resources

in each region.

Due to the shrinking local economy caused by the declining birthrate and aging population, natural resources that require continuous maintenance for the community are regarded as a liability and not properly funded. The proceeds from the NFT will be used to regenerate natural resources.

Specifically, it will be used for thinning and pruning of planted forests, as well as restoration of biodiversity through soil improvement.


The environmental value created

through the restoration of natural resources

can be held through NFT.

Carbon credits are created as proof of increased CO2 absorption through the regeneration of natural resources.

SINRA NFT purchasers will also be able to own environmental values such as carbon credits and biodiversity through the NFT. SINRA NFT purchasers can hold environmental values such as carbon credits and biodiversity through the NFT.


You can experience

a new environmental contribution with

the companies by holding SINRA NFT.

We will provide a scheme to use environmental values held via NFT for environmental contributions together with companies (to be released in spring/summer 2024).

Small contributions by individuals will come together to make an impact on climate change and local issues with companies.

What’s Regenerative NFT?

Regenerative NFT is SINRA's concept of NFT.

Generative Art

Depending on when you mint and how many tons of carbon credits you purchase, the appearance of the butterfly art you will hold will change. We will create the Butterfly Effect with the help of many individuals and companies with their collections of various butterfly generative art.

Community Participation

We call those who own regenerative NFT and contribute to the restoration of natural resources ”SINRANIA”. We will promote the creation of communities where SINRANIAs can actively participate in the experience of natural resource restoration by, for example, visiting restoration sites and engaging in restoration work.

Carbon Credits from Natural Resources

Regenerative Regenerative NFTs represent the right to hold environmental values such as carbon credits generated from the regeneration of natural resources. Companies can use the carbon credits to meet their own greenhouse gas reduction goals. Individuals can enjoy new experiences and connections with communities and companies through the creation of carbon credits.

Social Impact

It is possible to have an impact on the revitalization of various regions in Japan, biodiversity, etc., by circulating funds for the maintenance and restoration of natural resources. By linking information to Regenerative NFT, we will visualize the impact of our contributions.

Purchase Process


Prepare a ”wallet” to store your SINRA

A wallet is an application for managing virtual currency and NFTs.

For example, Metamask is a well-known wallet.


Select the amount of carbon credits (tCO2) you wish to contribute

You can specify the amount of tCO2 you wish to purchase. Select the amount you wish to contribute and mint NFTs.

Note that the amount of flowers on the butterfly will change according to the tCO2.


Select ”purchase by wallet” or ”purchase by credit card”

If you do not have ETH, please select ”Buy with Credit Card”;

if you wish to buy with ETH, please select ”Buy with Wallet”.


Click the ”Buy” button.

Once the amount of tCO2 has been determined and the payment method has been decided, you can then press the ”Buy” button to get your SINRA NFT.


Check the SINRA NFT

You can check your NFT on the SINRA portal site.

Check the NFTs you have issued.


Butterfly Effects

Butterfly Effect is a term that means "a very small event that eventually leads to a big one that you never expected."
We want to create a large movement that will lead the earth to a regenerative state by connecting the small actions of each of us,
like the flapping of a butterfly's wings, which starts with holding a "Regenerative NFT".
Please join our Discord community.



1st SINRA NFT Release (Forest-based credits)


“Portal Page” Release


Start of new service through corporate tie-ups


Increased sales of Regenerative NFT / stable inflow of funds to natural resources

Increase in types of carbon credits handled



What are the benefits of purchasing a Regenerative NFT?

The cost of purchasing an NFT will be used to maintain and restore natural resources in each region, and the transaction will be inscribed on the blockchain for the NFT holder as a contributor to the region. In addition, Regenerative NFTs can own J-credits corresponding to a specified amount when natural resources are maintained or amplified and J-credits are created with the funds after the purchase of J-credits.


What is J-Credit?

The J-Credit system is a certification system operated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. SINRA handles carbon credits generated based on the J-Credit system regarding the absorption of greenhouse gasses, which is part of the multidimensional value held by forest resources.


What changes when I increase the amount of NFT purchases?

The generative art will change based on the amount you purchase. We make sure that you enjoy the changes in the art in accordance with the amount of your contribution to the local economy and climate change.


Can I resell it?

RegenerativeRegenerative NFT is based on the ERC721 standard, which is the Ethereum protocol, and will be used to buy and sell on markets such as OpenSea.

Regenerative NFT specifications
and related risks are disclosed on the White Paper.
If you have any other questions,
please contact us on Discord or via the inquiry form.

Collaboration with our Partners



